To Live another Day | Teen Ink

To Live another Day

August 3, 2013
By Sara Yaseen SILVER, Oakton, Virginia
Sara Yaseen SILVER, Oakton, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you hesitate then you will die
If you retreat then you will die
Never give up and never back down
Make every stroke of the sword count

Slaughter your enemy; be merciless
If mercy is shown then you would have died inside

Be careful, cunning, cold, and calculated
Never show your one true weakness, your heart

Grasp the hilt and swing to kill
Do not mock your enemy
For he is a worthy adversary
Do not think highly of yourself either
Eventually it will be your downfall

Rid yourself of fear
Focus only on the task at hand
You can win
I know you can

Those who live by the sword
Must die by the sword
But not you
Heed my words and you shall live another day

The author's comments:
Life, also called the "battle of survival."

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