A simple gift | Teen Ink

A simple gift

July 30, 2013
By Hibisca BRONZE, Menlo Park, California
Hibisca BRONZE, Menlo Park, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Chance favors the mind that is prepared." Louis Pasteur

You are always forgiving
I hope
Ignorant of all my wrongs
For that I give you this
A simple gift
The stargazer lily, the seer of all
A fortune-teller of your life
Which I will soon be gone from
Are you sad?
The pink palette lady smiles mysteriously
Extending a dazzling yellow hand
To you
For forgiveness
For me
Eventually it will droop and crumble to become one with the wind
Me, much like the flower
Hopefully you will remember
And forgive me
All from a simple gift
My stargazer lily
And someday see
Your little blossom again

The author's comments:
I originally wrote this for my school's magazine, inspired by a fortune teller at a carnival.

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