Young Man's Duty | Teen Ink

Young Man's Duty

May 18, 2013
By NavyReveille SILVER, Rockwall, Texas
NavyReveille SILVER, Rockwall, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.

John F. Kennedy

A young wife cries in a dark bedroom
A mother cleans an empty house with a broom.
Wars fought over desert sands for oil and gold
A ruthless exchange of the young for the wish of the old.
Motives hidden behind an attack of defense
Ruthless propaganda subjecting those beyond the fence.
The blame, pain, and crime placed on those ordered to kill
At the will of the aristocracy on the hill.
They pay the price, the ones who bear the burden to die
Young fathers who will never hear their children cry.
How many are pushed into the trap
Of the trick to spread red, white, and blue over the map.
Wars were fought to keep one man from wearing the crown
Not for the sake of keeping prices down.
Stolen from or leaving behind a single mother
In combat taught to call one another brother.
Seen as pawns in the acquisition of dollar signs
Stacked neatly like chess pieces along checkered front lines.
From history we're taught this repeated dance
The endless spin of privilege and circumstance.
It's time for a revolution, vive la France.

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