Living with guilt | Teen Ink

Living with guilt

April 24, 2013
By destinee_jane BRONZE, Akeley, Minnesota
destinee_jane BRONZE, Akeley, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had you, I lost you
You felt alone when you knew I was here for you
People never treated you the way they should
You were different
You weren't like everybody else and society couldnt handle it
They did what they knew best
To be rude and disrespectful
They tourtured you through high school
They fallowed you to college
You were different
People couldn't eccept you like I could
They didn't look at you like I did
They didn't know you
THey didn't have to stoop so low
They didn't have to say the things they did
You didnt have to take that rope
Tie it to that tree
Or jump off that chair
But you did
They heard your story on the news
They remembered you from high school and college
You told them how you felt through the letter you left behind
They should have understood
They could have understood
I with they would have understood
I lost my best friend that day
Because he was different

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