Bullied For No Reason | Teen Ink

Bullied For No Reason

April 21, 2013
By KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

I have often been bullied,
About things I didn't know.
Now it started up again,
But now I'm cyber bullied.
It started just two weeks back,
I remember it so,
The things that were said,
Finally brought me back to Earth,
I stopped the war and thought it was over.
Boy was I wrong,
It started now just two days ago,
And I remember how it went,
I was called names,
Talked to like a toddler,
I hung my head low,
And I wept with sorrow,
I simply asked what I had done wrong.
I was answered with a mouth full of hateful words.
Now I sit,
Being cyber bullied,
We had made up and then,
Someone from another end,
The one that bullies me so,
Behind a different screen,
Pretended things were not ok,
Even though it was said that things were.
Now that person will not stop,
Until they get a reply,
But I am bigger than she,
And will hold my head high,
For I will not let words bring me down no more.

The author's comments:
I have been recently cyber bullied and I want people to realize how serious bullying can be.

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