We're Free | Teen Ink

We're Free

February 17, 2013
By Mikey_E SILVER, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania
Mikey_E SILVER, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
What Doesn&#039;t Kill you make you stronger.<br /> Life my have its twist an turns but never lose your happiness.

I had this dream one night...
And this dream felt so real....
I looked at my shirt an it looked like I just got out the pool
As I look around I hear...
"Get to work"
I look around trying to find where that voice came from
But all I see is an open cotton field & a forest not to far away
And then I hear again...
"Get to work boy"
I look around again
And this man on a horse appears and rides up on me
And grabs the whip on his hip
And I get pulled by my arm by a man that looked...
Looked just like me
So I just kneel down an started plucking cotton
The man on the horse rides away
As I pluck cotton I think...
And think...
And come to the conclusion that the man that saved me from turning into paper
And a screaming at the top of my lungs from that whip cracking across my flesh
So I pluck that cotton
And I pluck....
An then my ancestor says What are you doing here?
An I reply I don't know
He says well do you know how you going to get back home?
I reply No He says you better run & don't look back
Before I get my words out... He looks into my eyes and grabs my soul an says run

So I Run

I take off towards the woods when the watchman turns around
And as soon I get into the forest he turns around an sees me go into the forest an he yells
"Get That N****"
So I continue running an running an running and in the distance behind me I hear
*Bark Bark Bark*
So I run faster jumping over branches trying to find a place to hide
"Bark Bark Bark"
Those dogs are closing in quick but I keep running
Lungs feel like there isn't any oxygen getting to them
But I run
Broken sticks on the ground and rocks on the ground add weight to my feet making it harder to move
But I Run
I don't want to go back to were they play hang man
But they can hardle spell so they just hang a man
So I Run
I don't hear any more barking I guess I lost them....
I come across a house with a light in the window an I run to it...
So I go inside to...
To find many slaves sitting with Harriet Tubman talking about whats it like up North
So she walks to me an says "Its okay rest your safe now"
So I lay down as she lays a blanket over me....
An then I hear the crack of a whip
So I shoot straight out of my sleep....
Checking my body for lines that weren't on me before I went to sleep
So I walk into the bathroom...
Close the door an think to myself that was a crazy dream
Turn on the water and throw it into my face
An there my great grand-father is looking me eye to eye threw the mirror
An he says Your Free

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