A Game of Life | Teen Ink

A Game of Life

May 25, 2012
By Brownenikd BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
Brownenikd BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And I will go on shining <br /> Shining like brand new<br /> I&#039;ll never look behind me<br /> My troubles will be few<br /> -Supertramp

I approach the tee box
And think about my shot
Par 4, straight shot, 348 yards away
Near impossible to par
It will take my r11 driver to reach
Knowing I won’t get near
I look down the fairway
I line up my shot
Thinking about the spot one more time
Pull the driver back
Stare at the ball
I swing back
The ball soars
There is nothing I can do

If it goes left
I’m in the water
If right
I’m in the thick ruff

Life is like a game of golf
You plan
You practice
You take a swing
Sometimes you bogey
Sometimes you birdie
Maybe you even eagle
But most of the time
You hope to just hit par

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