Prayers and Wishes | Teen Ink

Prayers and Wishes

June 23, 2011
By kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You have noticed the change in him over the years and you pray that it's nothing just a phase. Then the truth comes out and it's worse then you thought. You are crying begging him to stop to not do it anymore, but then he goes out again with his "friends" and you can tell. His eyes are dilated and he personality has completely changed. He went away for a little while to get help, you where relieved and as you were wishing him the best of luck, when he came home you prayed that it worked and he was over his horrible addiction. At first it seemed like all your prayers and wishes were answered, then everything falls apart again. Now he goes out everyday and you wish that you would go back and get more help, but most of all you prayed that he lived to see the error in his ways.

The author's comments:
yeah so again everything i write is based off personal experience, this one was really hard to write cause i have so many emotions when it comes to this it was really hard to put them into words, i tried my best though and in case anyone is wondering the things and addiction are related to drugs, just so no one is guessing and everything.

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