The Meadow | Teen Ink

The Meadow

February 23, 2010
By mynameis GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
mynameis GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Slip off my shoes
Feel the grass cool beneath my feet
Wind gently caresses my cheek
Swirls wistfully through my hair
Softly whistles escape
Flying through their personal boat on the wind
Gliding I float forward
Sun beaming down
Tendrils of grace and warmth
Shines upon me as if it were a smile
Lilies start to bloom
Buds peaking out from their green shell
Some ahead of the game showing splashes of color
Intoxicating smells
Of natures beauty overcome me
I am my Fathers child
The burbling of the creek
Grows ever present
As each step I take leads me closer
To the crystal flow of liquid glass
Water cleansing as I walk
As if it were strokes of forgiveness
Washing me clean as I
Walk on
This beauty, far greater then any man
Could possess power to create.
Looking up into the deepest depths
Of the glowing blue sky
Puffy white clouds speckled lightly
Across the seemingly endless horizon
“Daddy, how can they say You don’t exist,
When your garden surrounds us with something,
Even we cant comprehend?”
The questions remain, even now, as I’ve grown
Walking down the same path, His garden,
Of mystifying beauty, and gentle love, bubbling with life and laughter
“Father, how do they say you don’t exist,
When every stream, every sky, all creation
Is your thumb print, of bountiful blessing.”

Staring watchfully, at the colors molding together
As the sun runs to kiss the moon
Capturing the passer by

Laying on a bed of lush grass
Watching the stars, contemplating
At Your presence
And stimulating design
“Father Your beauty surpasses all, and Your love unexplainable
Help my love to be as Yours.

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