Tree Planting Day | Teen Ink

Tree Planting Day

July 14, 2024
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

I saw adults walking around,
Holding shovels and seedlings.
I saw them heading to the grass field.
“Today is March 2nd!” They exclaimed.
I frowned,
Moving my feet.
No more saplings should be brought here.”
I Turned around,
And heading to the opposite road.
I grabbed a tree,
Pulling it up as hard as I could,
Until my blue vines protruded out.  
Looking at the few broken branches,
I sighed.
As if the past wounds could be exhaled as air.
I picked up the branch as if it was a mirror.  
“You the poor thing.”
At last,
The trunk was still standing,
But I was broken.

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