the hardest part of leaving | Teen Ink

the hardest part of leaving

July 6, 2024
By levietbach BRONZE, Hanoi, Other
levietbach BRONZE, Hanoi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the hardest part of leaving

is some parts of you that cling behind

can’t bear the alteration in the mind

of somewhere you hate but can’t unlove

despite how bad the heart’s been hurt

of that fateful day your lips touch mine

earth stops a beat as worlds collide

no wounds are traced in the hindsight

when all there was was you and i

i will miss the afternoon nights

when heads in laps, we stare at the sky

of black dust, of white breams, of nothingness

as i come to appreciate the goddess

for bringing here someone as beautiful as you

with bambi eyes that care and smile

with hands that weave into mine when i cry

and by your side, always a mountain dew

that sizzles champaign foams of demise

as everything around us dies

and we are the only beings alive

as you take me out of the dark

and pull me in the way of the lark

to get us to a better life

that memory won’t ever leave my mind

the hardest part of leaving

is the thing inside that beats and cries

The author's comments:

Love as a teenager is something so pure yet delicate, and sometimes circumstances force you to move on even if you don't want to. But is it going to be easy?

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