Requiem of a Survivors Love | Teen Ink

Requiem of a Survivors Love

May 27, 2024
By TarantulaLover BRONZE, Bristol, Vermont
TarantulaLover BRONZE, Bristol, Vermont
3 articles 1 photo 2 comments

I need your body

I need your mind

Your touch i crave 

Your warm comforting arms

That grasp around my neck

Please don’t be upset

I didn’t mean too

I didn’t tell i swear

Im in need of confinement

 I overspilt today 

I cracked again and spoke

I know your not a villain

But yet the things you do speak different

Its not your fault 

Your loss of control

I didn’t lie when i spoke i love you

Though i shouldn’t 

Ill let you straddle my heart for another day

Consume my mind for tonight

Those eyes kill

Those words choke me

Your hands froze 

Your teeth pierce my lungs 

I need to scream

I need to cry

I cant speak

I cant move anymore

I need you

Your warm smile

Help me breath

Your car is all i remember

Your friend is here

He’s sweet talking me

You don’t mind 

One less being to care

He pities me 

But i need the love

Grab my wrists

Pin me down

Just close your eyes 

Just let the guilty pain take over

Just let it in

Stop talking to me

You act so guiltless

So free

I wish i could

Do anything without second thought

All i need is to know someone

I don’t recognize you

I never knew you

Do you still remember 

You let me sit on your coat 

I cant stop thinking

You arnt the same person i met

I knew that person

The person i loved

All i can think of is your touch

All i can cry about is your touch

You were only valuable for your touch

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece two years ago right after a really toxic six year relationship, I had a lot of mixed emotions after ending it. Regret, Hatred, disgust, loneliness yet still a type of sickening love for him. I'm doing better than ever now with a new girlfriend, if anyone is struggling with a similar situation I can promise things do get better and you will love again.

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