Forlorn Rose | Teen Ink

Forlorn Rose

May 22, 2024
By sarahsaysitall SILVER, Haridwar, Other
sarahsaysitall SILVER, Haridwar, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't chase, attract!

Ooh that rose that doesn't bloom and looks very dull,
wakes up every day with a void in herself and piles of expectations in her mind and heart,
from those cruel thorns,
longing for appreciation,
longing for compliments,
she wakes up with a fresh mind,
and glint of happiness in eyes,
but ends her day with restlessness and ungratefulness,
because of those ruthless thorns,
she works hard but gets nothing in return,
but one day she realises her strengths and the game changes,
and those thorns were the only reason for it.
Because hurdles lead to success.
She realized who she was...
She was a rose.

The author's comments:

For all the girls out there who are constantly criticizing themselves.. remember that you are a BLOOMING ROSE.

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