I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

February 12, 2024
By PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
21 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They whispered to her,
'You Cant Withstand The Storm.'

She whispered back,
'I Am The Storm.'"

I am the eagle who soars the skies

I am the dolphin that swims the seas

I am the salmon that braves the falls 

I am the wolf that calls the night 

I am the whale that swims the stars 

I am the stars that guide the lost 

I am the lost that can be found 

I am the bison who fights the storms

I am the stork who kisses the sky

I am the owl, gray and wise

I am the snake, dangerous and kind

I am the fox, cunning and swift 

I am the trees who don't give to the wind

I am the mountains who don't move for others

I am the flowers that give life to the land 

I am the rain that blesses the fields 

I am the sun 

I am the moon 

I am the earth 

I am Me

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