Curse (After Elizabeth Acevedo) | Teen Ink

Curse (After Elizabeth Acevedo)

November 24, 2023
By zoe1706 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
zoe1706 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The future is waiting with a crooked smile and the photos you're taking only leave the subject more and more blurry." -Unknown

They say smoke cleanses the spirits

it takes away the evil that resides within.

Pull a card, they say, 

and choose your own fate.

Practice Magik, 

but stay away from Voodoo.

You'll get your whole family cursed, they say.

But wait, aren’t we already?

The story, they say, runs back generations.

The story, told to every young one,

is held over the heads of the new millenia of family.

They say if you’re not careful,

if you’re not quiet,

it comes back.

So hush now, they say.

But where does silence put us?

I say nothing comes back.

Don’t use their words as a lesson;

Use it for change.

As a chance for a new beginning. 

Break the curse, 

Stop running.

The author's comments:

inspo from the amazing Elizabeth Acevedo!

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