I Want To Hug Myself | Teen Ink

I Want To Hug Myself

August 22, 2023
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

I can't remember the exact moment when I first had the feeling that "I am precious".
At one night,
Maybe when I glimpsed at my empty room,
Or maybe when I looked at myself in the mirror,
I wanted to hug myself.

Maybe when I think back to my time in that wonderful village, where I lived like a little blooming flower;
Maybe when I looked back and saw myself ten years ago who couldn’t wait to grow up;
Maybe when I was chocked with sobs, overwhelmed by a sense of nostalgia for those lifelong memories and incredibly nice people;
Maybe when felt the weight of growth;
Maybe when I saw today's sunset;
Maybe when I walked out of the sports hall at 7 p.m. feeling the warm breeze on my face.
I think I'm precious.

It's been a boring night,
I miss you so much.
So much.
And I want to hug myself.

The author's comments:

Those wonderful memories and beautiful dreams live in my body.

I feel that weight. It makes me precious.

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