Give me some time | Teen Ink

Give me some time

May 5, 2023
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Give me some time.
It comes,
The voice, people’s voice.
They say
You should change your attitude,
Change your ways of doing things,
Stop being sentimental,
Stop hesitating,
Starting to become braver,
Starting to act more confidently.
I need time.
These traits
Just like each inch of my skin
Each of my hair,
Nutrients in my blood,
Air I exhale.
I need time
To erase them.
I need time
To build a new me.
I need time
To accommodate.
Give me some time.

The author's comments:

People have expectations on me. These expectations sometimes make me feel stressed. I know that the traits they want me to have are good. But I want them to also know that I need time to change. I heard them. I want them to hear me, too.

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