Nightmares | Teen Ink


November 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Nightmares keep me up all night

I wish someone would hold me tight

Tossing and turning in my bed

with the nightmares in my head

Staying up all night long

with dreams that seem wrong

In the morning when I wake

I know my nightmares were all fake

but when it is time to go to bed

I fear the nightmares in my head

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Bayzoul SILVER said...
on Jan. 5 2023 at 1:14 pm
Bayzoul SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
9 articles 2 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
no matter how big or how small, you can make a huge change in this giant world -paris white-lenard

“Every moment of life is precious and can never happen again.” –

spend as much time every day with your family and loved ones because you never know when that day is your last.
- Paris white-lenard

wow that is amazing! you should write more like this