Lingering Warmth | Teen Ink

Lingering Warmth

November 16, 2022
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Sitting next to the hospital bed,

the woman held her mother's hand tightly.

A drop of tear fell on the woman’s hand.

I'm going to see your father

The mother whispered tenderly.

She gently wiped the tears from the woman's face.

Before her last breath,

She gently squeezed the woman's hand three times,

As if to say

I love you.

The author's comments:

The death of a loved one is always devastating. Hoping that those who have experienced it will be slowly healed by those memories in which you were being loved.

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