Unknown | Teen Ink


May 18, 2022
By Simply_August SILVER, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Simply_August SILVER, Bolingbrook, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks, and observes.

Emotions chase me. 

            Love hates me. 

                      Envy eats me.

                                   Regrets shine.

                                            People die. 

                                                       Images fly across my eyes. 

They send me back to the past.

Lived to be ignored, but not to be mocked. 

Nothing seems bright, and they all seem alike. 

Lies. Lies. All lies. 

The mirror shows the truth, but it’s broken, 

Shattered all around. 

Glass pricks my heart. 






Unknown to the future and known for the past. 

Change doesn’t seem tolerable anymore. 

Tears flood down my cheeks, 

And end the euphoria. 

Soon enough we all separate, but never let go. 

Unknown to the future, but living in the present 

There’s nothing but pain inside a smile I hold. 

I want nothing but death 

To end all the pain, 

But life isn’t something that loses you easily. 

Family, friends, and classmates:

They all hold me back, 

Yet still their real motive is unknown. 

They all leave me one by one, 

And shower me with care. 

But realistically, they all appear as Brutus, 

Who threatens my existence. 

Call it manipulation or love, 

Either way my heart weakens,

So perhaps I am just immature. 

Loneliness is a causality.

             Comfort is unknown. 

                        Singularity is my serendipity. 

                                      Support still expired. 

I search for my purpose

Away from all the Demons. 

Angels are nonexistent, 

But still an unknown ray of hope gleams 

And my fantasies find me more than needed.


Am I really worth it anymore?

Wearing a mask conceals the truth 

As I spend each day in court. 

Moving from one room to the next, 

Judges appear in different forms,

But are all like-minded. 

Their expectations rarely differ, 

And all point out my insecurities, 

As all my miseries stand unknown.

Is mankind so selfish

To label an innocent as a criminal,

And send them away without a second thought?


In the end, I will always be an unknown individual. 

The author's comments:

No matter how much a person knows you, know one can know yourself better than you. Some part of you will also be unknown to another person and the best you can do is to embrace it rather than mask it away no matter the miseries. 

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