My Escape | Teen Ink

My Escape

March 9, 2021
By Ienjoyconsumingcheese SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
Ienjoyconsumingcheese SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Escape

I start to play and the keys thud as I press them 

a little too hard.

As my hands dance along the black and white keys

I forget about all my homework and chores.

My hands jolt from octave to octave, working together

in harmony to create a melody.

I play the last note

and slowly as if taunting me, the sound fades away,

and I snap back to reality.

The author's comments:

This was one of my very first poems, and it is about how I escape reality. Playing the piano has always been my way to escape from all my worries and be free.

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