Dear myself | Teen Ink

Dear myself

January 5, 2021
By lauryndooley BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
lauryndooley BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I grew up dreaming

That I could dance in one of those dresses

Just like the girls did

When they were seniors in high school

I had always seen teenagers

Laughing and listening

To that sweet music 

At the summer festival

When they were seniors in high school

I watched from the side

At those football games

My eyes on the people in the front

At the bottom of the stands

When they were seniors in high school

I stared in awe

Looking up at the older girls

Dancing gracefully on stage

When they were seniors in high school

I sat at home

And clicked on the dreadful letter

Reading that there is no dance

 In that beautiful dress I have

Now that I am a senior in high school

I had saved up

All year long

For that concert in June

That never happened

Now that I am a senior in high school

I sit at home alone

Watching the person I adore

On my screen

Playing their sport one last time

Cheering in my loneliness

Now that I am a senior in high school

I take the news as hard as possible

I will not be having my last time

To shine as a dancer 

On the stage

Now that I am a senior in high school

Dear myself,

Do not get your hopes up

For hopes are what kill the soul

Now that you are a senior in high school

The author's comments:

I enjoyed writing this piece

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