Honey Badger | Teen Ink

Honey Badger

December 19, 2019
By loadingnb BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
loadingnb BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heavily underestimated 

Only guided by my one true friend, a honeyguide bird

Never having difficulties in searching for meals because of him

Everyone knows not to provoke me, although some try 

You’ll learn to let me be 

Black and white, my clothes

Always bumping into objects because I can not see

Daggers for teeth and claws

Growls and screams suffice in expressing my ferocity   

Every one of my kind will never back down from anyone

Ruthlessness and relentlessness are my specialties 

Yelling now, as the lions approach 

Enemies are near

Ending is near 

Tomorrow will never come 

The author's comments:

Read the first letter of each line 

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