Mama | Teen Ink


October 8, 2019
By AnnaMay02 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
AnnaMay02 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I knew I wouldn’ be able to run

I never did that a ton

I knew I wouldn’ be able to hide

But I’ll be damned if I didn’ try

She screamed and shrieked about some fun

But we all knew that was a lie

She’s scary and grey, and she asked me to stay

That’s until she tied the tie and wanted me to die

Her eyes glowed a piercin’ white and her stare will surely take your light

Don’t let her close or ya’ll be toast

My mama is no longer mine

She’s the darkness you see under your bed and the whispers inside your pretty little head

Will your mama become our mama in time?

She wanted us to believe she was divine

But we knew when she killed little Jack

That we’re never gonna get our mama back

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