Love | Teen Ink


March 18, 2019
By laarterburn SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
laarterburn SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is the word of the thing she spent her whole life chasing after only to realize that she never knew what it was. Too young to fully comprehend the Disney princess movies she would watch on the tv in her living room, she was spoon fed lies from the very sources of the love in her life. Jasmine and Aladdin, Aurora and Phillip, Ariel and Eric, she knew many love stories very well, but with the mindset being that love is something that only a prince could give her and nothing more her world became narrow. By the time she was sixteen her life was fully occupied by all routine things: first dates, first kisses, new beginning, and sad endings all followed by rivers of tears. Asking herself why she had no love in her life she would cry to the very people whose love she was blind to. Entangled in the thoughts the world placed in her head through the movies she watched and the people she met she she realized that she never knew what love was. Love is everything she spent her whole life looking for only to realize she had it all along.

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