sensory overload | Teen Ink

sensory overload

March 13, 2019
By BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

walking down the street

faces a blur

the world around in chaos

but I stop to breathe in

for a second time stops

and I can sense it all

the neon street signs pop with color

yellow, cyan, and magenta blend

to form an array of light

the scorching heat rains down on my head

if I were to touch it

it would sting

the smell of gasoline fills my nose

tt is a toxic feeling, but all the while

soothing to be in

i keep going

i hear the melodic tune of a windchime

only to discover it was the song of a blue jay

the taste of salt in the air

tells me it will rain


even storm

the fluorescent lights of passing cars

blur into one straight line

the sounds of traffic thin

into a constant buzz

the pitter-patter of feet


only a loud ringing can be heard

i look around

the color is dissolving

the warm sunset has turned to gray

the air

has gone stale

it is all gone

unable to sense anything

i’m trapped

surrounded by darkness

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