Her | Teen Ink


March 7, 2019
By Noah H. BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
Noah H. BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My desire for her is immense,
Like a fire burning deep inside my soul
Whenever I am around her, the fire intensifies,
My cheeks become red, my hands are clammy,
My tongue trips over itself,
“Go on talk to her”,
that is my daily goal, however I feel
Like I need the courage of a thousand men,
Just to utter a single word,
In her direction

She is beautiful, her eyes,
They’re amber,
Her skin, is an olive tone and her hair,
Her hair, it is one big crazy mess,
However it doesn’t deter me, yet
Attracts even more,
She is so smart too, one of the top scholars,
In our class, she amazes me every day,
And she is really sweet, she’ll even talk to strangers

I know there is a universe out there, where,
I will be with her, but this isn’t it,
So I observe from afar, not in a creepy way
Knowing that we’ll never be together,
But she is beautiful, smart, and the sweetest person I know,
And even though “we” will never be a thing
My love for her will always be immense

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