If You Think About It.... | Teen Ink

If You Think About It....

March 6, 2019
By Mrcolebot BRONZE, Washington, Utah
Mrcolebot BRONZE, Washington, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Broccoli is just a tiny tree.

And clouds are Cauliflower.

That carrot was a snowman’s nose,

It’s not meant to be devoured!

Pea pods are just little boats,

Asparagus are the oars.

They sail through streams of tomato juice,

Where the lettuce birdies soar.

Oranges are just balls of light

That fell down from the sun.

While blueberries are water drops.

(They harden up a ton).

Cucumbers are dolphins,

With their cousin Zucchinis.

They eat small fish like berries and grapes

And pomegranate seeds.

From the mighty spinach forests

To the string beans in your hair,

Veggies make up our universe,

And fruit is everywhere!

So if I ate more healthy food

Our nature would soon collapse!

I’m only trying to save the world,

Now please, pass the Kit Kats.

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