Broken Together | Teen Ink

Broken Together

September 17, 2018
By Benalicious SILVER, Homewood, Illinois
Benalicious SILVER, Homewood, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." Martin Luther King Jr.

Keeping it together

Seem like such a problem

No one can keep it together forever

There has to be a breaking point right?

Staying broken

Seem like you’re not trying

No one can Stay broken forever

There has to be a point where you put yourself together right?

Are these two things the same or different

I know I am both at the same time

I am together Externally, but broken internally

I’m just a bunch of ripped pieces of paper

Stacked on top of one another

At one point you Can’t rip me anymore

Can you see the beauty in both

Being together shows strength

But being broken shows the same

Do you know what I mean

Being broken shows that you can allow emotion to happen

Being broken shows inner strength

I am both

Broken Together

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