Bright Side | Teen Ink

Bright Side

July 3, 2018
By Frivolous_Poet BRONZE, Udaipur, Other
Frivolous_Poet BRONZE, Udaipur, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Sometimes you might feel like

There’s only darkness around,

It’s an empty world,

With only sufferings,

That moment, pull yourself together,

And look for the bright side,

 It’s always there.


You may feel that,

There is nobody by your side,

It’s a cruel world,

Filled with self-centered people,

That moment you must have absolute faith,

Only in yourself,

And look for the Bright side,

It’s always there.


You may feel that,

Everything is falling apart,

Nothing seems to be working out,

It’s a harsh world,

With only failures awaited,

That moment you must trust in your abilities,

And look for the Bright side,

It’s always there.


There is always a bright side,

You must look for it,

Find it,

Follow it,

With complete belief.

The author's comments:

Be positive.

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