Chewing Gum? Why Not? | Teen Ink

Chewing Gum? Why Not?

March 20, 2016
By Jdelinicolas SILVER, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
Jdelinicolas SILVER, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All across the globe thousands of students have been restricted from the opportunity of chewing gum in their daily classrooms. I am only a student, and yet I still can understand the ways this can affect us all, and the opportunities it has taken away in our lives, such as failing examinations affecting our university choices. Chewing gum in class has been scientifically proven to give the students energy, allowing them to focus, and learn better. Not only has this been scientifically proven, but I have experienced this issue previously in an exam. Now I know you are all thinking: It makes a mess, and it can distract students as well as help them. This is a lie, chewing gum benefits students much more than it doesn’t, and provides a better future for all.


All students have at least once failed a test, or exam in their lives, and not chewing gum before or in preparation to that exam could have increased the chance of a lower grade. Is that what parents and teachers want students to do? Fail? Studies have shown that chewing gum engages students in class, and increases their understanding for topics, as well as enhances their engagement. With evidence from  Riru stated“Chewing gum can help you stay focused for longer on tasks that require continuous monitoring.” Restricting schools and students from eating in class, can affect the student's grades, causing unequal opportunities for everyone competing for higher grades, for a better university. This one issue for schools, can affect us as students for the rest of our lives. I am confident, this is not what our parents want for their children, and schools would not want a reputation for lousy grades.


I am only a student, and yet again I have been affected by this issue. In my previous school I had been taught that chewing gum distracts students, and causes them to fail during exams. During my exams, tests, and quizes I would be unable to concentrate, causing myself to fail the test, or exam affecting my entire life from these results. Teachers may not understand this, but in order for students to receive the best outcome for them, they must be comfortable and concentrated on a task.


Although some teachers reading this piece, are wondering why they would want their students making a mess in their provided classroom, and getting distracted by eating, or chewing gum. Riru from stated “It’s dirty; some students would leave their trash on the floor. Students don’t have responsibility. I already see enough gum stuck under the desks.” Many others may agree with this argument, however it fails to understand that students when not given the chance to eat in class, must hide it from their teachers, causing the mess stated above. As well as this, students eating in class boosts their contribution, engagement, and memory. “Chewing gum can help you stay focused for longer on tasks that require continuous monitoring.”  By reading this argument students may make messes sometimes when given the opportunity to eat in class, however I am sure that thousands of parents and teachers worldwide would rather have a child create a mess rarely, than a child who doesn’t contribute in class, or have a long memory.

Overall, gum is beneficial for students as it boosts their concentration during class, assignments and examinations. Without allowing students to chew gum, could create unequal opportunities for all children. Although many may argue this creates a mess, students must hide their mess from teachers when restricted from eating, meaning a solution to these issues would be allowing us students to chew gum in class, we will create a clean, enthusiastic learning environment for all.

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