Banning Junk Food in Schools | Teen Ink

Banning Junk Food in Schools

March 30, 2009
By Anonymous

No one should ban junk food in schools because of various reasons. The board of education could ban junk food but kids and parents can object. Banning junk food is like taking away kids rights to be themselves. Some kids might be allergic to the foods the school serves. Even though it is a rule, some kids will break it and “smuggle” junk food in.

Banning junk food is like taking away kid’s rights to be themselves because kids can express themselves through their food. Kids bringing their food would have to bring healthy foods and change their diets. Some parents might not even be able to afford to buy new foods because of the foods they already have.

Some kids might be allergic to the foods school serves and that could cause lawsuits. If a kid that is allergic to a food and smells it, they could break out in hives. If they do, then they would have to go to the hospital and then they might sue the school for the cost of the time at the hospital because of the hives. That would make the school then get angry at the board.

Even though it is a rule, some kids will break it and “smuggle” junk food in because they like to “live on the edge.” Even though they would be illegal, some kids would bring them in just like drugs. This would be an issue because then the school would have to take disciplinary action. This would be very serious because unlike drugs they aren’t against the law. This wouldn’t make sense and might actually confuse some individuals.

As said before, no one should ban junk food in schools. Banning junk food can cause many problems. Banning junk food is like taking away a freedom. Some kids might be allergic to the healthier foods they serve. Last but not least, even though it is a rule, some kids might “smuggle” it in. This would cause some lawsuits and possibly layoffs.


This article has 4 comments.

on Apr. 11 2014 at 11:09 am
banning junk food sucks i love popcorn

lizzyg said...
on Jan. 29 2013 at 6:15 pm
i know rite my friend is alergic to dark chocolate chocolate but whatever!

jy159 said...
on May. 2 2012 at 7:50 pm
Yes they can be allergic if they Eat for example nuts AKA chocolate . You gumby!!!!!!!

Descant GOLD said...
on Apr. 20 2009 at 5:16 am
Descant GOLD, Huntington Beach, California
15 articles 40 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened" –Albert Camus

1. When you eat a serving of jumbo size chili fries, what exactly are you expressing, beyond a liking of chili fries?

2. And no one is allergic to junk food?

3. So: any rule that might be broken should not be made, and schools should not have any rules that aren't laws? (Also: "Ooh, I snuck chili fries onto school property, I'm living on the edge!" Really?)