Once a Thief Always a Thief | Teen Ink

Once a Thief Always a Thief

May 22, 2024
By Moharb, Wentzville, Missouri
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Moharb, Wentzville, Missouri
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Author's note:

This piece was a passion piece, inspired by an illustration I had made.

        “THE KING IS DEAD!” Is what all of the headlines read on that cold, crisp morning in mid December. A rumor had been spreading around the kingdom that the king was falling ill. The people of the kingdom were expecting him to drop dead any moment. Yet no one was expecting his death to be caused by that of foul play, that someone had murdered the king. Of course I would be the lead suspect in this ridiculous fiasco, I of course being the king's lead advisor and a known previous thief and assassin for hire. There is a very clear reason as to why people would suspect me but I didn't do it! The king was the only person to trust me in my hour of need, some could even say I loved him. Yet no one will hear my word, and now I’m stuck in the very cells that I inhabited over 20 years ago. Stuck and awaiting trial, having to convince those who hate me with their entire soul that I could never have done this.


        I would often wonder while I was free if the people of this kingdom truly thought of me as a trustworthy person, but as I sit here rotting in a jail cell I know for a fact that they hated me this whole time. I was accused just as quickly as they had discovered my King’s body. I can’t stay here but if I don’t then they will find me to be even worse, then I will be hunted just like a fawn in the woods-

“Hey, You! Crazy murderer lady! Stop sulking down there and listen. I’ve been yelling at you for a while!” I heard an odd voice coming from behind me, looking back I saw a very… different looking lady, her white hair was cut short and sprouting out from her forehead were what looked like antennas. She had an extra set of eyes under the main pair, she wore a large pointy hat, and her teeth were sharp as nails. Her skin glowed in the moonlight. 

“I am no murderer.” I retaliated, standing up to the lady at the window above my head. 

“Ah, but the public believes you are.” She chuckled and laughed in my face before placing her hands on the iron bars, before my very eyes her hands began to glow a bright red and created an aura of extreme heat. Within a few seconds the bars that were once before me had melted out of the way.

“Now hurry up, I need your help.” The woman extended her hand towards me, I felt unsure but not feeling a better option I took her hand. She was much stronger than I expected, having easily lifted me out of the cell and out into the open air. I could tell that to the women I looked even paler in the moonlight, my long raven hair didn’t help me look tanner.

        As we stood there I noticed even more things about this stranger’s appearance, she was unnervingly tall and her legs were bent like that of an animal. In the place of feet it looked like that of a spider's foot, and just above her hips was another pair of bug-like arms. Her clothes were poofy and flouncy, mostly orange and black colors on her dress. A stark contrast from my slim red dress, we could not be more different. She very obviously noticed me looking at her, she crossed her main arms while one of the bug ones held a broom that I did not notice at first. It was then that I realized that this lady was a witch.

“Now that you are done ogling me, I need your help. But we can not talk here, please come with me.” She stated, looking me up and down. She was obviously annoyed by the fact that I was shocked by her appearance. 

“I well.. I don’t even know who you are, how could I trust you?” I stood taller, attempting to show my authority once again and gaining my composure.

“I am the wonderful, the amazing, the fantastical, Spindle!!!” She yelled out, jumping into a pose that she most definitely had been practicing. “And like I said, I need your help. It involves your ‘Oh so beloved King’.” She was very clearly mocking me, for now I will let this slide. 

“Well I am Lady Ladalora- and I- wait, you said my King. How would that be?” I got closer, hoping for any information.

“No, we need to talk somewhere else” she looked to get antsy, looking around as she talked “people are listening.”

“Alright, then let’s go.” I stood confident holding my hand out for hers. A bright smile, showing off all of her teeth showed across her face. Tightly taking my hand and pulling me into her, her arms held me close as her broom booted up and off we went. Flying through the night sky, I had never been this high and was very obviously freaking out. She looked to me, excitement in her eyes

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” She kept me close, and I held back just as tight. Hiding my face and refusing to look around, the cold air wiping my body as we stored through the air. I felt frozen both from the wind and fear.

“You can look, trust me, it’s beautiful.” I felt safe enough in three of her four arms, I stayed weary as I peered out over my shoulder. I was taken aback by everything, sprawling fields filled with crops, and some with flowers. A winding river leading into a lake, sparking water reflecting the shining stars above us. It was truly beautiful, I could almost forget that I was hundreds of feet in the air.


        Before I realized we were already landing, a small cottage in the middle of nowhere sat nestled between many trees. Spindle let me go, placing me gently on the grass before landing herself. Looking around I could not help but notice the multitude of statues, I readjusted my dress and ran my fingers through my hair to make sure I was still presentable. 

“Alright, now we are here. My own, partly personal, palace!” Spindle exclaimed as she held her arms out to present the old cottage. 

“It’s very.. charming.” A faint smile appeared on my face, it has been many years since I’ve seen a house like this. It felt melancholy, I hadn’t realized that I missed it. Spindle rushed off to the front door, leaving me standing by the tree line. As I walked to the door I couldn’t help but feel uneasy, all of the statues seemed to be looking right at me. I walked a little faster, nearly bumping into Spindle who stood waiting at the door. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized who stood before me, I admit I was happy to see her.

“Now my roommate is a bit.. odd. But! She is really nice so you don’t have to worry one bit.” She warned as she slowly opened the door, having to duck through as she walked inside. As I walked in, a strong smell of dust and lavender hit my nose, nearly knocking me back with how strong the lavender was. It took me a second to adjust, but eventually I did and was able to look at my surroundings. So many things piled into the area, yet it all looked intentional. Photos and paintings hung on the wall along with an assortment of shelf’s and things hung up as wall decorations. Bottles and trinkets filled said shelves to the brim, and nearly every surface had small items and decorations to show off. Old rickety furniture sat in the main sitting area, blankets and pillows sat in an array of ways. Candles were everywhere, burning and giving the area a warm glow to it. This was extremely different from the clean and organized castle, but it felt nice, comforting, and lived in. I hate to admit it, but I already liked this a lot more. 

        Spindle appeared from around a corner, waving for me to follow before disappearing once again. I followed, still admiring the dedication it must have taken to gather all of these things. I rounded the corner to see a hallway, full with just as many things as the sitting room. From the first doorway I heard Spindle calling for me, walking over I entered what appeared to be the kitchen. Many large windows and a glass door leading to an attached greenhouse, so many plants. It felt as if I was in the middle of a garden, I could barely tell that there was a counter along the wall of windows. Spindle sat at a small round table in the greenhouse, another woman sat with her. Her hair seemed to be moving, but it was hard to tell. As I approached the glass door, Spindle stood up to meet me. Opening the door for me, she flashed a smile.

“We can talk in here, and my roommate is here to meet you as well. Her name is Yantray.” She explained as she led me to the table, pulling a chair out for me to sit. As I sat across from Spindle’s roommate I could tell that her hair was in fact writhing on top of her head, a writhing mass of what appeared to be snakes. I felt a chill go down my spine, examining her more I noticed her partly scaly skin, her loose fitting white cardigan over a simple black tank top. She looked as if she had been gardening, her jeans were stained with dirt and grass. And her eyes, her eyes were so.. beautiful, a milky blue-ish white. 

“She is blind.” Spindle spoke up as she dropped into the chair next to me.

“And no, I don’t turn people into stone. Never did, I am a sculptor and gardener.. yet people did not believe that.” Her faint smile seemed to fade. “I was born with a head full of snakes and piercing eyes just like my parents and their parents.”

“The same people who killed your King, took her eyes.” Spindle sounded a lot more serious than before, looking down at the table as both sets of her arms crossed. 

“Wait, so you know who killed the King?” I was shocked, nearly jumping out of my seat “We could prove to everyone that it wasn’t me!” 

“Yes, we know who did it. But it isn’t as simple as telling the right person. The ones responsible for these crimes are far more extensive and rooted into this kingdom than you think. A whole network of spies and killers for hire, all led by one guy.” Spindle explained, looking at me in a way she had not yet done. It felt intimidating, as if she could snap at any second and go into a rage.

“Then.. why do you need my help? You seem to know everything you need to know, why can’t you just go in there and kill him yourselves?” I questioned, feeling a slight sense of unease filling me.

“We can’t because.. he is your father.” Yantray spoke up from her prolonged silence, periodically lifting a hand to pet a snake. It had taken me a second to register what she had said exactly, I was taken aback.

“Wait, but my father hasn’t been alive for many many years. He died when I was 10.” I felt a rage, unexplainable burning, writhing, within my chest.

“Well he isn’t, the vampiric overlord himself is alive and well and blaming his own daughter for murder.” Spindle spoke with an extreme attitude in her voice, this subject very obviously angered her. She took a deep breath before speaking again “And since you are his daughter you would be able to get into his hiding place and take him down from within. You have vampiric blood in you, and I know that you know that. You are far more powerful than you portray yourself as.” Her eyes pierced into my soul as her words drove in further “and I also know that you are not the age you claim to be, I have been around for just as long as you. I don’t mean to be so harsh, but you need to quit acting as weak as the common folk you keep yourself around-“

“QUIT IT-!” I cut her off, standing swiftly and slamming my hands down onto the table making Yantray jump “I left that life for a reason. I’ve been hiding within humans for. A. Reason. My father is a monster, and I can not simply walk back to him and act like everything is normal.” As I talked I felt my nails grow longer, my teeth felt like they were burning as they grew sharper and red tears welling up in my eyes, falling down my face. The plants around us began to wither, some nearly falling dead. A sneering smile flashed across Spindle's face as she stood, towering over me. I had to look up to meet her gaze.

“You will find this to be extremely necessary in the future, I don’t want to upset you but we need your help.” She placed a gentle hand on my face, wiping away my tears. “You are the only one powerful enough to take him in a fight.” Her gaze softened, she brought me into a gentle hug. As I calmed down the plants regained their life, and my tears turned to that of normal ones. Taking a few deep breaths before speaking again, I looked up to Spindle.

“Alright, I’ll help.”


        The next day came and I awoke to a very excited chicken jumping onto my stomach, her talons were sharp as she stood staring me down. Spindle appeared in the doorway, giggling as she saw the scene before her “I apologize for the rude awakening, spinnerette was hoping to be the one to wake you. Now get ready, I know you prefer not to travel during the day, judging by your lack of appearances with the king during ceremonies, but we need to get moving.” And just as quickly as she appeared she was gone once again, spinnerette in quick pursuit. Taking a quick glance around the room I gathered a thin blanket to wear as a shal and an umbrella. 

        As I left the room I nearly ran into Yantray, having not heard her walking down the hallway

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I had not heard you coming.”

“And I did not see you.” She replied in quick succession, a snorting laugh following behind her words as she passed me and continued walking down the hallway. I could not keep a small smile off my face as I went on, entering into the sitting room where I found Spindle waiting for me. She had changed her clothes, now in a much simpler outfit. Mostly black clothing covered her body, long black baggy pants and a black tank top. She looked ready to fight, having had a myriad of weapons strapped to her person and a backpack slung onto her back. As she was turned away I could see large scars on her back peeking out from behind the backpack, it looked like two things were ripped off of her. It had taken her a moment to see me, when she did see me a glint of excitement flashed in her eyes. 

“Perfect, it is time to go. Here, but I doubt you’ll need it.” She tossed me a small knife, I held it close before hiding it in my boot. Spindle didn’t say much else as she grabbed Spinnerette, placing her on top of the backpack she was wearing. 

“You're bringing the Chicken?” I asked, a puzzled look spread across my face. Spindle and Spinnerette exchanged looks before they both looked to me, Spindle smiled and chuckled

“Oh she is a lot stronger than you think.” I shrugged it off, following them both as they left through the front door, opening the umbrella as I did so. With the wave of a hand Spindle materialized her broom, simply sitting up as she floated in front of me. I know I had seen this already once before, but it still shocked me. Spindle waved me over before lifting me up and onto the broom, holding me close as we took off. The umbrella kept me in the shade as we soared through the air, the scenery was just as beautiful in the day as it was in the night. 

        About an hour later and we began to land, now in a marshy swamp-like area. The wind did not blow here and the air felt dense, the sky was cloudy and gray and I could smell the rain coming our way. A large building in the distance could be seen, all of the memories rushing back and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Spindle could tell that I felt uneasy and upset, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. Taking a deep breath I continued on, walking slightly ahead of the group. Not long at all and we were already upon the foreboding building, its looming and daunting presence before me. Spindle looked to me before breaking the silence

“I can’t go in with you right away, but I will be there when you need me.” And as soon as she spoke she disappeared in a puff of smoke. I coughed trying to wave the smoke out of my face. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts before walking as confidently as possible up to the front of the building of my past before knocking harshly on the door. 

        The door swung open with ease, two guards stood in the doorway blocking the way in. Once they realized who stood in front of them one of them looked to the small boy next to them holding a small candle

“Get Overlord Hectatic!” The guard looking at the boy demanded, sending the boy stumbling off down the hallway and towards where I know to be my Father’s office. The guards glared at me as they swiftly grabbed both of my arms, but I did not fight and although fear was filling my body I did not scream. I simply followed along with them, bringing me directly to where my Fathers office is. The guards swiftly swung the door open, pushing me forward into the room, my Father was yelling at the poor boy who was sent to warn him of my presence and swiftly sending him out of the room when he saw me. He still looked just as poorly as he did when I left, his hair wiry and rough, slightly grown out. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked on the brink of death.

“How dare you come here after all these years!” His voice boomed and echoed throughout the room, but I refused to bend to him any longer. I stood tall as his rage grew stronger, he looked as if he was going to rip me apart, his nails grew and his fangs got longer as his eyes burned a bright red. I myself could feel a deep hatred burning within me, and just as before my nails grew out to long talons and my eyes blew just like my Fathers. I felt way stronger than before, like I could tear anything apart in a matter of seconds “You took the man I loved from me!” I screamed as I dashed forward, lunging at my Father with my nails reaching from his throat. But just as I was about to reach him he dodged out of the way, hitting me with a solid blow to the side that sent me across the room. I hit the wall with a loud thud, falling to the floor and hitting the ground hard. I had hit the wall so hard it had dented it and the wind was knocked out of me, all of the power I had felt before was gone. I looked to my hands as they began to go back to normal.

“You are undeserving of love, you are a monster!” He sprinted to where I lay on the floor, ready to rip me to shreds. As he raised his hand to slice me in two, just as his arm extended to its max distance a knife came piercing through his chest. As my Father collapsed to the floor, holding his chest and looking down to the bloody burning hole in his chest. It was not only a knife that had gone through his heart, but a silver lined one. He was dying right before my eyes and I felt no remorse for him, not even a sliver of pity. He had tormented me for many, many years, I was happy to see him suffering before me.

        As he lay dying before me I looked up to see who had saved my life and was shocked to see Spinnerette holding a bloodied knife, I smiled and chuckled to myself before standing. Spindle stood across the room, waving happily when she saw me.

“I told you, she is a lot stronger than you think.”


The End.

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