The Road | Teen Ink

The Road

May 21, 2024
By laurenjoy, Flower Mound, Texas
laurenjoy, Flower Mound, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Lizzie is a seventeen year old girl living in the rural mid-western town of Louisville, a town where not much happens and nothing happens much. She is a lonely and quiet girl, her nature is caused by her troubles home life. Her father is narcissistic and abusive, and her mother is distracted and closed off. Still, Lizzie hopes that one day her life will change, she just doesn’t want to take the initiative and make the change happen, until one day when something so awful happens she is forced to confront the problems in her life. Lizzie runs away, leaving behind her parents but still holding onto the past. She soon meets the charismatic Holden, a fellow runaway. The pair form an instant connection, becoming quick companions, and maybe something more. . . Holden helps Lizzie see that it’s okay to change, he shows her that it’s okay to let go of the past, and she shows him that you can’t just forget about to past, you must process it in order to move on.

Lauren C.

The Road

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