James Kegerreis | Teen Ink

James Kegerreis

April 6, 2014
By Stegemeier BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
Stegemeier BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

James Kegerreis

I am voting for Chief K. I am doing him because he has been part of this school for a long time and is a great influence. He is very funny at times but when things need to get done or there is a serious situation, he gets everything under control and makes sure the task at hand gets done. He keeps the rules to the point and there are no questions asked. He has helped me a few times when I needed help with things.

One of those things was my shoes. I have big feet so it is hard to shine my shoes. During a study hall, I went up to his desk so he could show me how to shine them. He told me that it was not impossible to shine the shoes and that all they needed were a lot of well needed persistent effort. At this moment because of what he taught me, my shoes are very shiny and pass through inspection. I have been complimented by some of the NSI’s because of how shiny they were thanks to Chief.

In class, Chief is a very funny person when the time is right. He jokes with some of the cadets and makes everything exciting and fun to do. Since I have seen in Boot camp he has always had a sense of humor. He’s never been too strict with us because we know what we need to do and that it needs to get done. At ties our platoon can get out of hand with the talking but because of his leadership, we have a great chance of getting honor platoon.

Most of the projects and home works he assigns are very reasonable and not too hard. If you have a question about it he is more than happy to answer it or explain what is needed. The tests he assigns are easy enough to get a good grade and not be overwhelmed. The quizzes, home works and projects to me are self-explanatory and easy for me to do. GOTTS is easy now because he has us do it every Wednesday so it sticks in our heads so we are ready for the next year or so. I think that the upcoming project he has for us will be a really cool project and he will make it exciting.

In the end, He is a great person to be around and to laugh once in a while. It seems that since day one of all the things he does I am nominating him for administrator of the month. In my mind he is one of my favorite teachers and I don’t think that will change for years to come.

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