Mr. Zuercher | Teen Ink

Mr. Zuercher

November 17, 2008
By Anonymous

A friend. You can describe them in many ways: a role model, humorous, a good entertaining. These are some of the qualities I see in my Physics teacher, Mr. Zuercher. As a teacher at Arrowhead High School for eight years, he deserves to be the educator of the year.
School starts at 7:30am; it’s a struggle to get up and get there at that time. I have Physics Block first and second hour. To any other kid that would be torture, but to me, that is the time I look forward to as well the time and place where I learn the most. Physics Block taught by Mr. Zuercher is the best class I have taken at AHS. He teaches in a humorous and educational way.

The way he can teach is extraordinary. He relates the world of waves to a HD 1080p television or the resonating of water to a clarinet player in our band. He finds a way so every person in the classroom understands the material and applies it to tests and quizzes, as well as to real life.

I work at Best Buy. Anything I struggled with he related to an electronic gadget. Since we both have an immense understanding of the gadgets and gizmos, it gets through to me. I actually understand the subject. People will listen and understand more when it is a topic they know or they are interested in. Mr. Z takes Physics and applies it to our lives.
Every day when I am in the class, I am excited and ready for whatever he throws at me. It is the one time of the day when I have fun in school and it seems like those two hours just zoom by.

He truly is a friend; I can go to him whether I need help on a physics problem or just for everyday advice. This is why I think Mr. Andrew Zuercher is the Educator of the Year Award.

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