A Boy's First Kiss | Teen Ink

A Boy's First Kiss

February 6, 2015
By brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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This story is about a young teen boy that is dating a girl whom he has not kissed.  It explains about his first kiss with her, and overall.

My reaction to A boy’s First Kiss by Cody S. is this explains my life so much.  I agree to this so much, because I had the same thoughts during my first kiss.  I understand his thoughts and nervousness about his first kiss because I had the same reaction.  I am not surprised because I believe every person will some nervousness and odd thoughts.  I can see this dilemma at my school, only because as I said earlier everybody gets somewhat nervous at this time.

The author's comments:

i can really connect about this article.

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