Teen essays on stress, depression, eating disorders, mental health and more | Teen Ink


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By Anonymous

durgs are destroying young lives. lives that dont even get the chance to live and see how real life is. kids at much younger ages are doing drugs. kids who shouldnt even know what...

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By Indigo8th BRONZE
Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Indigo8th BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
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By jdarbo SILVER
Los Angeles, California
jdarbo SILVER, Los Angeles, California
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By Dsep7160 BRONZE
Oswego, Illinois
Dsep7160 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
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Mohammed Elbaz SILVER,
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Eason59708412 GOLD, Port Hope, Ontario
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nothankyou SILVER, Lancaster, New York
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Be something, I know it can be hard but you have to go though it to get past it -Alexa_l. (Teen Ink)

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