Teen Smoking: Who Is Responsible? | Teen Ink

Teen Smoking: Who Is Responsible?

October 1, 2019
By Indigo8th BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Indigo8th BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you vape every 10 minutes, do you think it’s fair for your lungs to get damaged and no other part of your body gets as much damaged? Some Americans think it’s fair, others don’t, including me. 
I feel we need to inform the vaping issues to every school worldwide. For every minute wondering if another person died. The text states, “9.2% of high school students and 2.5% of middle school students smoke”. This is a bad problem, for example we have others ignoring the situation, which is sad because when they realize it’s bad, they will be in hospital beds.  
In conclusion I feel that vaping in general is the silent killer of younger teens/adults. Now 13 deaths recorded and astonishing 800 plus in hospital beds miserable with their young bodies on the outside but old inside. Hopefully soon everyone will realize how bad vaping is and stop! 

The author's comments:

Im smart and athlectic 

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