Living with Lupus | Teen Ink

Living with Lupus

November 13, 2013
By mariahmayberry BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
mariahmayberry BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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yesterdays the past tomorrows and mystery and todays a gift thats why they call it the present

Living with Lupus
Many people go through sicknesses and hardships in their lives. You never know what to expect when we are born as soon as we come out we are dyeing! Life is short and there are many things in this cruel world that can take it unnaturally, uncontrollably, and unexpectedly. Life is as short as a chewed down fingernail. Lupus is a weakening sickness. Millions of people suffer from Lupus every day. My mom just so happens to be one.
Imagine waking up one day and seeing your mom not able to speak, open her eyes, only able to respond weakly with a head nod.
My mom has been suffering from Lupus for as long as I can remember. This critical disease takes a toll on her body, her family, and everyday life. I can remember not knowing weather my mom would make it through the night. I sleep with my mom because at night she has trouble getting up and using the restroom, basically she can’t sleep. My siblings and I have a hard time dealing with this. Our mother, caregiver, and the only person we have known to be a parent could lose her life at any moment. My mom is in the hospital a lot and it is up to us to run the household. We have matured a lot since she has gotten sick and we take care of each other.
People of all races develop this disease Lupus (arythematosus). Women develop Lupus much more than men: nine out of ten people with Lupus are women. Children can develop Lupus also. Lupus is much more common in the Native American race. My mom is full blooded Apache Indian. Lupus may occur in some tribes nearly ten times as often as among Caucasians.
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body, (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that it is not a curable disease, but with good medical care most people with Lupus can lead a full life. With Lupus something goes wrong with your immune system which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your bodies’ healthy tissues and goes after the healthy tissue as well. This causes redness imflamation and pain.
People with Lupus have flares (the disease gets worse as you fee bad) and remissions(the disease gets better and you feel good). Nobody knows what causes Lupus. Scientists think that people are born with the genes to develop Lupus and that something brings on or “triggers” the disease and symptoms. Some common “triggers” are infection, certain medicines, and sunlight. Lupus is not contagious
This is Lupus and what it is like living with and living with somebody close to you that has lupus. The disease is a horrible disease and cannot be cured. My siblings and I will have to live with this disease killing our mom for the rest of our life. Many things can take your life and Lupus is one of them.

Word count: 533

The author's comments:
my mother has lupus

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