Teen Pregnancy | Teen Ink

Teen Pregnancy

March 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Teen pregnancy is hard for teens, for their parents and for the people around them. When teens get pregnant they get extremely moody and very difficult to deal with. They put a lot of stress upon their parents and the people around them. All the helping out, having to deal with the attitude and moodiness, all the pain the pregnant teen will go through. This can all be prevented, and no one has to stress over it if teens would simply avoid having sexual intercourse or try being more careful.

Teen pregnancy interferes with your education. It interferes with your education because a lot of pain and cramps come along with being pregnant and it’ll make you take days off from school. Teen pregnancy also interferes with your education because you’ll have to take days off of school for doctor appointments and also when the baby is born you need to take off to stay home and take care of it.

Being a pregnant teen is a lot of responsibility. It’s a lot of responsibility because you’ll have to wake up every couple of hours to feed and change the baby. Being a pregnant teen is also a lot of responsibility because you have to make sure your working so you can get the baby everything it needs. It’s a lot of responsibility because your actions don’t only affect you but it also affects your child now.

People judge pregnant teens. People judge pregnant teens because some teens get pregnant at a very young age. People judge pregnant teens because they tend to miss a lot of school and others will call them a dropout and say they aren’t going to be successful. People judge pregnant teens because most teens depend on their parents to help take care of the baby they don’t try looking for a job because they know they’ll have their parents help. People judge pregnant teens because young teens shouldn’t be having babies, they should first get their education and then think about having a child. People judge pregnant teens because there’s many ways to prevent getting pregnant but some teens aren’t smart enough or careful enough. “There’s a lot of ways you can get pregnant, there’s a lot of ways you can’t get pregnant but all the ways you can get pregnant, can be prevented. There’s plenty of ways to prevent it(Hardcastle).”

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