Sleeping affects us but we do care! | Teen Ink

Sleeping affects us but we do care!

March 1, 2022
By TommyJC BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
TommyJC BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many children and teenagers suffer from sleeping in class. I suffer as well. No matter what we do go to bed early eat early and drink water when we are tired we always sleeping maybe the time or when you get woken up like. You cannot even do anything about it I want to do my work I want to get good grades but I just black out like just out like a light. People tell us what to do but the truth is we already done it and it has not worked. I bet if you went to bed at 6pm you would still be tired at school. This has started affecting me at six grade. It was january and I was sitting in class around the start of the day and I just passed out and the teacher kept woke me up kept waking me up I did and I couldn’t stay awake so things happened in my life. I spent hours looking online after six grade because I didn’t want it to happen again I tried them all took me days weeks but did not WORK. To all the teachers I slept in their class. I am sorry but I wanted to do your work but I just couldn’t because I just blacked out then I wake up when either the teacher is knocking on the desk or telling me to wake up. I waked up and I looked around and tried to do my work then out like a light. Repeat it till the bell rings. I am fine after 3 period I can stay awake then maybe because I have to walk up staris but those are my most and favourite classes the first period goes Math, English, History, I hate missing thoses classes and It hurts me because I want to learn. A couple days ago in History we were learning about the war thats currently going on. So I looked and waited boom out like a light till the bell rang. I have no idea what happened I am just sitting at the desk with the empty workpacket. For english I can stay awake for 10 minutes then I am out same for math awake for 10 minutes out like a light. I have no idea why I can only stay awake for 10 minutes. People think I do not care about class school but I do I want to achieve journalism and try to understand english, I wanted to share my story to people because it might show a light to people to show that they are not alone and feel like they are falling class because people think it looks like they don’t care.  

                      This is my story.

The author's comments:

My name is Thomas, I suffer from sleeping in class. It hurts me and people think I don't care but I do care. I was born and raised in Worcester, MA US. I am 14 years old and I want to achieve my dream of being a jorunalist. 

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