Don't understand COVID-19? What your seeing is people who violate the rules and laws of our society and community. | Teen Ink

Don't understand COVID-19? What your seeing is people who violate the rules and laws of our society and community.

May 24, 2021
By Anonymous

What was your first reaction when you saw people revolting against wearing masks and getting vaccines against one of the world's deadliest viruses right now?

If you’re an anti-vaxxer/masker, then you’re probably like “I don’t care about this virus” or you believe in something false like someone is profiting on this or that your mask isn’t working or that it’s tracking your every move. If you’re a person who wears a mask and is vaccinated and you care about other people’s lives and safety, you might be thinking that those types of people are crazy for thinking of not getting vaccinated or that your masks are tracking your every move.

The community of anti-vaxxers/maskers and similar communities to it are growing bigger every day. We want to try to get these people to see what we are truly dealing with as people right now. Even after all we did with the multiple PSA announcements and the deaths of people’s loved ones caused by this deadly virus, we barely did anything to try to get them to help the community just by wearing a mask in public. And these anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers still don’t think this is truly much of a big deal for anyone.

Yes, we are being forced to wear these masks and a lot of people think that this is going against their freedoms and that they are being taken away as well as it is unconstitutional, but sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And lots of us are just going to have to deal with this statement and wear a mask. Even if you are vaccinated, you need to wear a mask in most places for everyone’s safety in public. We are also going to have to abide by the rules and follow the laws that require a mask in public places and certain locations. Nobody wanted it to end this way for us, but we have to do what is required to keep people safe in our world so we can continue and thrive.

You should see people who violate the rules and laws of our society and community by threatening people’s safety just by not wearing a mask. What I want to see is not a threatened world slowly being pushed further and further into danger with people thinking of false theories like profiting or tracking masks. I want to see a world where people can connect with each other and do the things they want to do safely during these trying and difficult times.

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