The House | Teen Ink

The House

December 20, 2016
By annamd1210 BRONZE, Palatine , Illinois
annamd1210 BRONZE, Palatine , Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stood in the doorway of my new house, tilting my head up so I could see up to the roof. I examine this new place in every way possible making sure it is safe to go inside. Something about its exterior made me want to step back and let someone else open the door but my parents and sister were getting the luggage out so I was left with no choice. I've always been a bit stubborn and super curious so I decided to be the first one to check out our new home. Something about us moving into a big house gave me chills, I'm used to being in a cute small house in the most peaceful neighborhood you could find. Nothing about this huge, dark blue, almost black house spoke “peaceful” to me. A small spider was waiting for me at the handle when I reached out to open the door. I let out a shriek and everyone looked at me in worry. They know I hate spiders but I don't think that's why they turned around with such alertness. From the look on all their faces, they didn't seem too pleased with the aesthetics of this neighborhood either. I slowly turned the shaky knob to the right and opened the door. The air let into the house as if this was the first time the door had ever been opened. I looked around at the emptiness of the house and the emptiness started to flood into me. I remember what it was like being in my previous house and warm butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. My face managed to show a tiny smile but that quickly went away after I snapped back into reality. “Move it, Lauren, I want to make sure I get the better room before you do.” Said Aubrey.
“Alright, well you better get running fatass.” I taunted back while Lauren strained her eyes almost closed and stuck her tongue out at me.
“Girls, what did we say, at least try to be nice to one another for a day. We're all trying to adapt to this new setting let's not make things worse.” My mom scolded us with an eye roll.
“Dad, why did we have to move now, what was so important that we could wait for me and Aubrey to finish our last year of high school? No one likes the new kids.” I asked
“You guys will be fine,” he came in for a group hug, “we moved here because of my job, but trust me, it'll be perfect once you get used to it. Make yourselves at home now girls.” Dad hugged us so tight that mine and Lauren's cheeks touched. Lauren squirmed away and yelled “Ew don't touch me!” as she sprinted to go find the better room. I think she's being such a b**** because she had to break up with her boyfriend before moving. In my opinion, he never loved her anyways. My sister went up to her new room and dropped her suitcases down and they hit the floor like bowling balls. I was surprised the suitcases didn't break through the floor and ricocheted down to where I stood in the living room, frozen in on my thoughts. A little time passed by of me doing absolutely nothing so I got thirsty. After mom and dad got the glasses and plates into the cabinets I reached into one to grab a cup. I went over to the faucet to fill it up with water and to my surprise, no water came out. “Mom! There no water coming out of the sink!”
“Ask your dad about it, who knows what else could be wrong with this house.” She said with yet again another eye roll. I never knew she was upset about us moving until that moment, but I didn't feel like asking her about it. It would just make me sadder anyways. “Do we still have that case of water in the trunk of the car?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, I totally forgot about it. Can you bring the whole thing in please, doesn't seem like we will have water for the rest of the night.” My mom said.
I grabbed the keys to our car and headed out the door. The bright sun was now replaced by the glowing moon and it had gotten significantly colder out. No one's house lights were on except ours which made me question what time it was. I looked at my phone. “9:57”. “Wow, folks in Illinois go to sleep pretty early I guess.” I said to myself. I was getting the case of water out of the car and from the corner of my eye I saw the lights flicker on and Lauren walking into my room though the window. I knew it was my room because mine faced the street and hers faced the backyard. I quickly sprinted inside shivering from the cold, my parents were watching tv in the living room so I tried to be quiet as I set the water down on the kitchen counter. “Lauren get out of my room right now!” I scream. Forgetting I'm trying to be quiet.
“What the hell are you talking about psycho?” Lauren was in the dining room eating a poptart.
“Weren't you just my room?” I asked concerned.
“What would I be doing in your room?” She said with a disgusted look on her face.
“Lauren, if you're trying to scare me, you're not.” I said walking away with sass. Deep down inside I was terrified and confused.
I started up the squeaky stairs and each ascending step seemed to get louder and louder. I turned the corner and the lights in my room weren't even on. I came to the conclusion that I was over tired so I decided to call it a day. I climbed into bed but kept a light on. I grabbed an extra blanket from my parents room because I sensed it was going to be a chilly night. I was tossing and turning turn for about two hours but after that, I finally fell into deep sleep. Suddenly, I was woken up by a loud noise. The noise of the front door opening and letting the air from the outside in. I looked around to see if there was something bat-like that I could grab. There wasn't. I tiptoed out of my room and around the corner, overlooking the stairs, trying to see if I could see any movement from downstairs. I tried turning on a light but turns out those weren't working either. I was about to go downstairs then realized that the stairs are too squeaky to go on unless I stepped perfectly in the middle. I quickly went back into my room to grab my phone which had a flashlight built in. I forgot where I put it so I started messing up my bed trying to search for it. I finally found it under my pillow and I turned to head out the door. My finger touched the flight light button and the beam of light from that hit the last thing I would ever see in my life. A tall human with a knife stood at the doorway. Liquid was dripped off the of the knife dying my carpet a deep red. I backed away enough to expose Lauren's room from across the hallway. Her side was already dyed. The person had a mask on and I could not see who it was. I accepted the fact that I had no way out. I shut my eyes and stood still frozen in on my thoughts. Seemed like a couple seconds went by but then I snapped back into reality.
“Lauren.”.... “Lauren!” … “Wake up!” a mysterious voice called out.
“What?” I said quietly.
“Lauren you're going to be late for school, I'm not calling you out this time so hurry up!”
“Mom?” I said opening my eyes exposing me to the bright sun that shined through my bedroom window.
“What?” She asked.
“Nothing. Never mind.” I said, and I got out of bed.

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