The Neighborhood | Teen Ink

The Neighborhood

December 9, 2016
By Anonymous

Early in the morning, the sun was bright and the air warm. The neighborhood was quiet no one was outside. Today is the day Alice and Casey move into their new house. Alice and Casey were friends since freshman year. They had their whole future planned out. They wanted to be two best friends finding their dream. Alice was a shy girl, she wanted to always be alone and quiet. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She loved reading and staying at home. She wasn’t a really social person but she had some friends. Casey was a party person, she loved going out and hanging out with many people. She was loud but a very nice person, she be there for you if you needed her. She was opposite of Alice. She was had brown hair and dark brown eyes. Casey was taller than Alice. This was the year Alice and Casey where going to start college. They wanted to live at the dorms at first , but Alice didn’t like that idea, instead they got a small house in a very quiet neighborhood. The neighborhood was called Springerfield. Early in the morning, sun was bright and the air was warm. Alice was unpacking her stuff, and Casey was talking to the neighbors next door. Alice has notice that they seemed happy and very nice. She climb into the truck to get the last of the boxes. WHile she was taking down the box, the old married couple started yelling at Casey. Casey was just backing away, Alice dropped the box on the front porch and ran over Casey. “Leave while you can! You regret it!” The old married couple finally left. Casey and Alice sat on the front. “Gosh, was that something.” said Casey. “ Ya that was scary, i mean what were they even talking about?” “ Alice stop they are old that probably don't even know what they are saying.” Casey and Alice forgot about it and walked inside. The grass was so pretty and very green. The bushes were such in good shape. When they walked inside the house was so beautiful. Everything was in order, the house was just perfect. They started putting everything away, but then someone was knocking on their door. Alice went to go get it. “Hi we are your neighbors. We are the Myers family.” said the Mom “ OH, hi my name Alice.” Casey walked in and said “ Who at the do..” Alice interrupted “ This is Mrs. Myers from next door Casey. Mrs. Myers meet Casey.” Mrs. Myers gave Casey a very uncomfortable look. “ Hi Casey, I brought you guys some pie. It's my mother’s secret recipe pie. I hope you enjoy. Oh I almost forgot, this is my son Jake myers. I figured you guys we all the same age and maybe get to know each other.” She grinned, but while she said that she was looking directly in Alice eyes. All Alice could think about was how weird she was acting. It was like she was desperate to get us to met her son. “ Hey, im Jake. “ “ Oh hi im Casey.” Casey said in a flirty way. Jake just smiled. Alice was just standing there looking at the pie Mrs Myers gave her. “Well Jake we should get going.. Anyways girls if you guys need anything, we be next door. Just knock 3 times Only 3 times. Bye ladies.” Mrs. Myers dragged Jake by the arm and left. Alice shut the door slowly. “Well, that was super weird. Can this day get any weirder?” Alice said while putting the pie down on the table. “ I don’t know Alice, but that Jake guy isn’t too bad.” Casey said looking outside the kitchen window. “ Casey you say that about every guy you see.” Alice said laughing. “HAHA you're right.” It was getting late Casey Casey decided to go out and party with her friends from town. Alice didn't mind being alone in the new house. The only thing that bothered her was her new neighbors. “Bye Alice I'll see you around 1. Don't wait up okay.” Casey was gone Alice had the house all to herself. Alice went to the kitchen to eat some of the pie the Myers brought over. By the time she went to the kitchen she heard a noise going downstairs. It was a loud thump. The sound was coming from Casey room. Alice took the three steps back upstairs, and was slowly walking to Casey’s room. The house was so quiet, no one else was home but Alice. It was cold, and dark almost as if you were in the woods. Alice was trying to find the light switch but she was to scared. Finally she turned on the lights for the hall, nothing. Then she was approaching her way to Casey’s room, “ RING RING.” Alice jump, as she reached for her phone there again “Thump!”. Alice quickly answered the phone. “ Hello, who this?” Heavy breathing, “Alice, we meet again, am I happy to hear your voice.” “I .. I don’t know you, What do you want.” “Oh honey it’s very simple, GET OUT MY HOUSE or you will regret it.. HAHAHAHA!” Alice was scared shaking of fear she didn’t know what to do. SHe didn’t know who called her, she wanted to leave She went to check Casey’s room and when she turn on the lights.. The room was a huge mess. Everything was everywhere. Casey couldn’t have left it like that. In Casey’s room she had a makeup stand, when Alice was looking at the damage, she saw this note. She opened the note, and in its exact words it said,
Alice, You probably around already got the call, look we don’t want no trouble here just get out this house. You have 2 days and if you don’t leave this house it’s going to be your worst nightmare. Oh, and we are not the only one’s who don’t want you here, trust me people who don’t leave this place stays forever. I warned you, you have 2 days..
Sincerely, UNKNOW
Alice ran downstairs locked all the doors, and closed all the windows. She didn’t know what to do. First she tried calling Casey but she wouldn’t answer. But then she remembered, the next door neighbors from the morning, how paranoid they were. Alice ran outside and knocked on their door. No answer. She looked at their window and no one was there. Then alice ran to the other next door neighbors. She knocked and knocked until she got tired and nothing. SO she went back home. She got home and Closed everything and stayed downstairs in her kitchen. She had an eye on everything. She checked her phone and she had one message. It was from Casey!
Hey, Alice i can’t drive so i'm going to stay at one of the girls house sorry i just got your phone calls. Is everything okay? Anyways, the creepy neighbors keep calling me to tell you to look in the pie. Idk they're stupid. Anyways goodnight. XOXO.
Alice quickly looked at the pie and began to rip it apart. Then she didn’t find anything. She heard a noise again. SHe turned and outside was 4 people with masks. Alice began to scream she ran outside and went to knock on the Myers house. The door was open and Alice opened it. When she opened the door she couldn’t believe her eyes. Then everything went black.
Today on the news, There was a missing girl who was alone in her house and never seem to appear, if anyone has any information about her please call the police immediately. She has blonde hair and brown eyes, she goes by the name Alice if any reports please please call the police.

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