Gabe the Mighty | Teen Ink

Gabe the Mighty

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

I sprung out of the chair and ran out the door to class. As I’m running to class I see Principal De Ford around the corner, I quickly slow to a walk and wave at him.
Principal De Ford waved back and said, “Ready for the big game today?”
“Ready to break some records” I replied smoothly
“Atta boy” He responded
As soon as I cleared the corner I started sprinting to class again. I barely made it to class on time even though most of the time I’m late. As soon as I sat in my seat I thought to myself, Whew, that was close! It was Friday and I was the starting Quarterback for the Warsaw Tigers as usual. Although I was able to play in the game and broke a school record, some of the staff found it very fishy. That afternoon a shoe and football cleat were left in the principal’s office. The chairs were pushed over and it was obvious that something happened in the principal’s office, but what?
As I was walking to my office after seeing Bob and as I walked in it was a mess! Chairs were pushed over and two shoes were on my floor. A football cleat and an old mushy shoe to be in particular. I checked my calendar and didn’t have any students scheduled to come in. I tried accessing my computer and it was inaccessible! I called the tech right away and told them my computer wasn’t working. They came they came to a conclusion that someone got on my computer and installed a virus on it, but who? I called my brother, Detective Silveus and asked if he could come check it out. He said he would be there as soon as he could. I do remember him telling me not to touch anything, whoops. In the meantime, I ran some people through my head who I thought it could be. I couldn’t think of anybody and tried checking my email through and that didn’t work either!  I kicked the chair that already only had three legs, then I realized I wasn’t supposed to touch anything. Whoops.
When Detective Silveus got to my office he was almost done evaluating when I grew the nerve and told him that there were originally three legs on the chair before I kicked it.
“You have been known for losing your temper,” Detective Silveus muttered.
“Sorry” I replied apologetically
It took Detective Silveus another hour to reexamine what happened in my office. He finally came to a conclusion that there were only two culprits involved. He went back to his house to grab more equipment. Meanwhile, I called the tech company and told them to fix my computer asap. I tried using my office phone to send an announcement but with just my luck, it was broken. I decided to go get another doughnut and coffee. When I walked in I stood in the entrance and embraced the warm loving smell of the small doughnut shop. I walked up to the lady and asked for three chocolate bavarian filled doughnuts with extra icing please. That will be three dollars sir,’. I handed him three dollars and left with three of my favorite doughnuts. I was on my way back to my office and was going to take the last bite of my delicious treat and dropped it on my brand new suit!
“THIS IS THE WORST DAY EVER,” I screamed while hitting the steering wheel
  I must have looked like a lunatic because there was a cop behind me and pulled me over. My hair was frizzy and I had a half-eaten doughnut all over my new suit. I received a ticket with a price of one thousand dollars!
I got back to my office and Detective Silveus asked, “What happened?”
“Don’t ask or examine me,” I replied sharply
I heard him mutter something under his breath but decided to leave him be. I went home and started watching Netflix. I then got up, showered, and got ready for the game. At least some of this day might be good I thought. Today, Bob Barsantee the starting high school quarterback could break the school passing yards’ record if he throws over 200 yards this game. That’s it! Bob Barsantee is the culprit for ruining my office! I remember now, I saw a glimpse of him running down the hallway where my office was before he stopped to pass the corner! I dressed into my sports gear and left to get another doughnut. When I finished my doughnut I called Detective Silveus and told him that Bob Barsantee was responsible for what happened to my office. He just hung up the phone. I was speeding back to my office assuming he was still there until I was pulled over again for speeding! This time the fine was only fifty dollars, but that is equal to at least forty-five doughnuts. It took around five minutes to get things settled when I was back on the road. I made sure to stay ten miles per hour under the speed limit but then people were honking at me and in was in the right side of the lane! I finally got back to my office and of course with my luck, Detective Silveus wasn’t at my office! I sped over to the football field at once.
When I got to the football field I saw the head football director, Mrs. Mann.
I ran over to her and said,” Bob Barsantee can’t play in the game tonight!”
“Why not? He got his math grade to a C+,” She replied quizzically.
“That’s why! I’m sorry I don’t have time to explain, please do not play him in the game!”
Before she had time to reply I ran into the V.I.P stands where Detective Silveus would most likely be and to my surprise he was actually there! I fumbled up the stairs as fast as I could by the time I got to the middle I had to stop and catch my breath. Man doughnuts really do have a lot of fat! Detective Silveus noticed I was panting and decided to walk down to me.
“That was a very bold statement you made on the phone Principal De Ford,” He said coldly.
“I swear it’s true!” I replied and wiped the bavarian cream off my cheek.
“The last time I checked I was the detective not you Mr. De Ford,” He said sharply. “That’s Principal De Ford for you, I don’t know if you’ve past high school yet,” I replied shouting so the whole V.I.P section could hear me.
The whole section went quiet. Detective Silveus pulled out his phone and showed me a video. It was the security cameras in my office! It showed Bob Barsantee and another kid. Bob sat down with his hands on his lap politely. The other kid was disrespecting my property. He had his feet on my desk and his arms crossed. Thankfully the tech installed microphones on the cameras last week.
“Get out now you jock. I don’t sit by no jocks,” the kid said sharply.
Bob sprung out of his chair and left the office but his football cleat fell out but didn’t notice. That explains him running down the hallway! Immediately the kid starts destroying everything. He was saying cuss words that I didn’t even know and kicking everything and when he destroyed everything he went to my computer and that’s when he installed the virus. He kicked the chair one more time on his way out but his shoe came off! He picked it up rubbed and it all over my desk and threw it on the floor. He then walked out of the room coolly. When I looked back up I saw Detective Silveus holding his jacket over his nose and pointed at my mouth. I looked at him confused. He gave me a mint and went back to his seat. I took the mint and started going down the steps. I tripped and fell and rolled down the V.I.P seating. I got up and started running toward the field and had Bob play. Bob broke the school passing yard record by twenty yards!
That next morning the search continued for the culprit who destroyed my office. The Detective Agency ran a facial recognition and he turned out to be the second string quarterback for the high school team! His home address was in the school records so we drove over to his house. There were five police cars behind Detective Silveus and I. Are plan being to take him to the police station for questioning. When we arrived the house was trashed. We tried ringing the doorbell but it was broken so we knocked on the door. A hot looking lady opened the door and welcomed us in. We thought the outside was bad, the inside was trashed as well. There were holes in the walls that looked like they were from punching. The sofa was burnt and the chairs were broken. Even some of the stairs were missing going to the top floor It looked my office after it was destroyed.
“Do you have a son by the name of Gabe Meck?” I asked.
“Why yes I do, did he do something at school again?” she said disappointed
“Indeed he did he destroyed my office and we have video footage,” I said.
“May I please see it,” She asked softly.
“Yes ma’am.”
Detective Silveus showed her the video and she looked horrified. 
“Just like his father, just like his father,” she said horrified’
“Are you his mother?” I asked
“Yes, my husband left me when he heard we had to take care of him. His father is in jail for killing his mother. I told him if he has another outburst that we would be homeless,” she said softly.
“Why would you be homeless?” I questioned.
“We’ve had to move ten times since I’ve cared for him. He’s been expelled from ten schools; we’ve had to move those ten times to find him a new school. I don’t have any money left to buy a new house; this house won’t sell. Gabe has completely destroyed this office like he destroyed your office. I’m truly sorry for what he did but I can’t replace what he broke.”
“Is he here,” I asked with a soft tone.
“Yes, but I wouldn’t bother him he just punched another hole in the wall” she said cautiously.
“Is it ok if we take him to the police station and ask him some questions?” Detective Silveus asked.
“Yes if you can get him there I doubt he will cooperate,” She said.
“My name is Zach De Ford by the way,” I said.
“My name is Megan Meck” she replied.
“Is it ok if we bring out police in the house to bring him in?” I asked
“Absolutely,” she replied.
I was walking out to tell the police they can come in and I stopped on the step and thought; she is very attractive!
I snapped out of my thought and said, “You guys can come in”.
As I was walking back in I thought, I need to lose weight if I want to have a chance with her. When I got back in the door I couldn’t help but staring at her. She was perfect in every way, she had brown hair with hazel eyes. I was about two inches taller than her but I couldn’t get to close to her because of my belly. I made a decision in my head that I was going to be the most muscular man in town while helping Gabe. I was thrown out my head when I heard pounding upstairs. It was Gabe being forced down the stairs. The cops got him in the car and Megan came in my car.
“So are you in a relationship,” I asked.
“No, are you?” she asked
“I’m not either,” I said.
I pulled up to the police station and let her out politely. I don’t know why but I could not stop staring at her, I knew she was the one. All I had to do was help her son and become ripped. Gabe refused to answer any of the questions so we decided to have a mentor with him at all times at school. The police were done questioning Gabe he looked gassed. His long blonde hair was a mess and his muscles were red.
“Do you want to have dinner tonight?” I offered
“Sorry Zach, I would love to but I have to take care of Gabe tonight” she said sorrowfully.
“I understand.” I said sadly
I dropped her off at her house and said goodbye.
Three months later Gabe was acting like a regular kid and I changed my body entirely. I have a six pack and have a one rep max of two hundred fifty pounds. I bought Megan a new house and started building a relationship with her. I started earning more money and could buy her things and take her out to dinner. I started dating her and within six months of us dating I asked her to marry me. Gabe was tense at first but decided he wanted a father figure in his life. I sold my house and moved into her house. I have never kissed a girl in my life so when our wedding came it was the greatest feeling of my life. It was better than chocolate doughnuts with bavarian cream in the middle. The feeling came every time I kissed her, I kissed her ALOT. The feeling never got old and never will. I built a strong relationship with him through lifting weights. When he was stressed we would always lift together. Twenty years down the line and are relationship is the same as it was when we first married and I know I absolutely love Megan Leann De ford.

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