All I Wanted Was Coffee | Teen Ink

All I Wanted Was Coffee

May 17, 2016
By Anonymous

It all started when I entered the coffee shop. There was a man behind the counter he looked kind frightened or nervous. I sat at the counter and the man asked “What would you like sir” he avoided eye contact. But I still responded to him with “coffee black no sugar please.” The man stormed off into kitchen without saying a word. I waited for about 20 min and I haven’t seen him since. I shouted “Hello, sir is everything ok back there.” “Hmm no response maybe he fell asleep.” I can’t blame him its 1:00am to keep in mind. I walked into the back of the coffee shop to see what was taking so long. It was very dark and I kept walking in something wet but tried to ignore it. As I made my way further into the back I saw a door as lights flickering underneath it. I looked threw the crack of the door. I started shaking collapsed to the floor with my back against the wall. Looking down I noticed my shoes were covered in blood and started to panic. “Ohh my god I have to get out of here!” I started running back to the entrance of the shop and slipped on blood as I made it to the door. The door slammed closed and the lights came on blinding me as I laid on the floor covered in blood. As my eyes adjusted I saw the man walk in front of me holding a club of some sort in his hand. “Sweet dreams.” Said the man as he knocked me out with one swift hit to the side of my head. I drifted in and out of consciousness but couldn’t fully see where I was being dragged but it got darker and darker until... “Wake up!” “What why are you doing this and what are you doing?” “What has been seen can’t be unseen.” I’m sorry it had to end this way you were one of my favorite customers to.” He pulled out a rope and started tying my feat together and placed a bag over my head. I started hyper ventilating and felt more and more dizzy till I blacked out. Flames engulfed my feet and spread up my body till I was ash. The man got back to his shop and got back to work mixing my ashes with coffee grounds. He handed and order with my remains inside the bag and said “enjoy”. 

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