The Bloody Asylum | Teen Ink

The Bloody Asylum

May 3, 2016
By Anonymous

It´s a sunny day. My Friends and I go to the park. David says, that he has interisting news. My 4 Friends David, Tina, Henry and Clara are already there. "What do you have to tell?" asks Henry. "This is so scary" says David. "Have you seen Bob today?" "No, but..." He was abducted or murdered" screams David. "Keep calm" says Clara. "We can go to his house and can look for him. " I don´t come with you" comments Tina. "I must do my homework." "It´s o.k., we go allone" I say. When we arrive at the house we hear scary Voices and sounds. The door is open. "Should we go inside?" asks Henry. "Yes, it is exiting" says Clara. We go inside. It is scary. Nobody is in the house. We are allone. "Let us see, whether there is something in the house" says David. We search three hours, but we can´t find anything. "Hey what is this?" I ask. "There is a trail of blood, that goes in the wood." "But it is already evening" says David. " Would you go home allone? Or would you come with us?"  asks Clara. "O.K. But we must go home, when it is dark." The trail of blood goes into the wood. For one hour we follow the trail of blood. It is dark and we can´t see so much. Suddenly we can see a light. "This is a tent" says Clara. "Let´s go." "There is somebody in the tent." We hear a voice. "Hello is someone there?" "Yes" David shouts. We go inside. "Hello" I say. "We are Conni, Clara, Henry and David. Who are you?" The boy says: "I´m Alex and this is ..." Suddenly there is a sound. And someone is in front of the tent with a knife in the hand...

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This article has 1 comment.

Primux said...
on May. 9 2016 at 3:16 pm
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
nice dennis hast ja richtig die deteils am ende rusgehauen