Purification | Teen Ink


January 19, 2016
By Kristal BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
Kristal BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're All Mad Here" - Alice in Wonderland

The streets of bones and tar wrapped around his feet each time he took a step.
“Stop this madness I beg of you!” he shouted to the dark figure that stood in the only spot not surrounded by bones and tar.
The figure rose, her hair being like snakes as the wrapped and coiled in the air. “Stop? Why would I do such a thing? You wished for all of them to disappear did you not?” she lips were black like the tar that surrounded everything, her hair white like a ghost. and her eyes red as flames.

“Yes I did but this isn’t what I meant!” he shouted moving closer and being pulled back by the tar as he fought his way closer. “All of this tar and the remains of the city..I didn’t want any of this! I just wanted those who mistreated me to pay!”
The woman smiled reaching out a hand the tar coiling around her fingertips like a snake “And the world is full of sinners, so they all must pay.” she replied taking a step toward the boy the tar moving aside as guards would for a queen.  she was much taller than the boy in fact she appeared to be at least eight feet tall.
“Do you want me to undo what I have done? Are you not pleased?”
“No I’m pleased take it all away please!”
She frowned for a moment before she kneeled down to the boy pulling him close to her “I envy your light child...perhaps I’ll take it from you!”
Her mouth opened, swallowing him whole. “We’ll cleanse this sin filled world together!” she laughed wickedly.

The sky began to rain with acid and the people who still were alive were just as easily melted and turned into nothing but bone. among the chaos on a hill was a throne, made entirely of bones and tar and upon it sat the large woman of eight feet tall. combing her hair with her long black finger nails, a smile upon her face as she watched the chaos ensue. The world crumbling at her feet just as she had been asked to do.

“His wish...take them away from me, I want revenge give it to me and if I deny you to fulfill my wish you may take me away as well. What a foolish wish, in making it he doomed not only this world but himself.” she caught the acid in her palm it sliding off her as if it was rejecting her skin. “So I made this world in my own image, I destroyed the light and made it the perfect place of corruption and purity, if no one is alive they can no longer sin and if the land is destroyed over time it will regrow and become pure once more, free of human touch.”

She smiled once more
“It will become the beautiful place it was born to be at last.”

The author's comments:

A sort of mysterious/horror kind of twisted piece that takes a different outlook on how a single wish makes the world go to choas and destruction with in a few moments. leaving an entity to do with earth as she oh so pleases. 

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