The Final Flash. | Teen Ink

The Final Flash.

June 7, 2014
By Lightspiration BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lightspiration BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cold air blows through the night, sending a chill down your spine. From the vast distance forward, all is blanketed by snow, leaving you very little room to see much of a distance. The snow covers the cars parked along the streets, your body going cold from standing in the chilling winds. Warmth soon becomes a forgotten, yet sacred thing for you. But, you must continue forward in order to reach your home. But, you feel the journey has been stretched by time’s affair with the winter, extending your short journey home into an epic quest filled with danger. You do not know how long you’ll last.

Rounding the street corner, you come across a huddling man. He must have been out here for hours, be he appears to be unresponsive. Sauntering by the frozen statue of a man, chills are sent down your spine as he began to stir. A finger touched by frostbite points off into the distance, where the sun should be rising at this time of night. You turn to look at where the man points, a sudden clarity in the cold veil that covered the nighttime. You are taken by this light, unable to bear the thought of going anywhere else but towards it. Taking a single step into the street, a faintly heard horn went off in the distance. One sluggish step after the other, you went further towards the light. Screams filling your mind as your dull senses are unable to process it. By the time you thaw out from the cold thanks to the light in the sky, another light comes to greet you. It rushes at quite a speed, as if in a hurry to hug you with warmth. But this was no ordinary light, no, this light flashed before your eyes. From the dawn of your existence up to this point in time, every action you have done is reflected upon in the face of this travelling light. A hand reached out towards it, you stumble forward, letting go of the past and as well as the future.

In one embrace, you feel as light as a feather, enlightened to the universe about you. But then, it grows cold. The light that envelops you is the very last thing your mortal eyes see, its distinguishing glow appeasing to your spirit. But, like all spirits, they cannot stay attached to the mortal plane. Ascending towards the light in the sky, you feel at peace once more. But, everything blurs, nothing holding its true form. All washed in the sweeping darkness that consumes everything, including you. You catch one final glimpse of that flickering light from earlier, reaching out before a single blink casts it away. “Wait! Come back!” You shout, but it is useless. Like the flash of light, you come and you go.

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